Unlock your potential with a risk-free demo account! Experience the platform, practice your strategies, and gain confidence—all without financial risk.
Depositing funds into your account to trade with a quick and easy. Simply follow the steps to fund your account
Create account
Complete the Form & Open Your Live Trading Account.
Open Demo Account
Fill in your personal details, and you'll gain access to the trading platform!
Explore the Platform
Choose a trading instrument, configure the chart to your liking and place your first demo trade.
Master Your Skills
Elevate Your Trading Experience
Test strategies, build confidence, and develop your trading acumen without any financial risk.
Comprehensive Desktop Platform
Experience the robust features of the Tradona Markets platform. Designed for both beginners and seasoned traders, it provides powerful tools and resources to enhance your demo trading experience.
Streamlined Mobile Access
Access essential features and benefits wherever you are, allowing you to refine your skills at your convenience. Stay connected to the markets, receive real-time updates, and make informed decisions on the go, ensuring you're always prepared for your next trading opportunity.
TRADING is easy
Trade on cTrader Anytime, Anywhere
At Tradona Markets, we prioritize accessibility with powerful trading platforms for desktop, tablet, and mobile. Manage your account anytime, anywhere. Join us for an exceptional trading experience!